Playmobil: The Movie Wikia Wiki

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  • To be added


Del is seen to have a slight tanned skin tone, along with black eye irises/eyebrows and short, brown hair/beard.

He's usually seen wearing basic Summer appropriate clothing: A white Hawaiian shirt with green flower pattern and buttons, along with blue thigh-high denim shorts and sandals.

Name in other languages

  • 델 ( Korean )


  • Del is sourced from the BBQ Chef mini figure; included in the 2013 Summer Fun board game set.
  • Del is seen to be holding a spatula in a lot of his concept appearances, however it has changed to tongs in the final concepts.
  • It is said that Del was written a backstory and has a twin brother named Mel; this was confirmed true by Lino DiSalvo himself via the socials Instagram and Twitter.

Later revealing via a Kosmi Q&A livestream that a deleted plot within the film was gonna involve Del needing Mel's cruise ship to help Marla find her young brother Charlie. It was also said that he and Mel got into a fight at some point.

  • In a Kosmi Q&A livestream with Lino DiSalvo, it was revealed that Del and Glinara were dating at some point.